The Colours of Darkness

The Abstracted Figure

Shadows are grey, right? 

Wrong! Shadows are blue, violet, turquoise. Shadows have auras - turquoise shadows have yellow auras, violet shadows have blue auras. To look at shadows, to really look at shadows is to go on a trip.

And what of our own shadows? 

The ones that get distorted; the ones that we can never seem to shake off; or can never see clearly because our Selves get in the way; always. The ones we try to get to grips with in therapy rooms or confessionals? What of them? 

Wherever we go, our shadow always accompanies us. As we move around it manifests itself as a darkening of the light. It can appear distorted according to the shape of the ground it has been cast onto. In psychotherapy we talk of the shadow side of our selves. It too, accompanies us wherever we go and, like the light shadow, it too can appear as a distortion of the self that we like to imagine ourselves to be. Try as we might to keep our outward appearance bland and 'normal,' the truth is that our shadow sides are often far more colourful than we give them credit for.


Light Water